Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Hate Crime in IV

When i read this article i was appalled at the things that were done to this poor man! Heterosexuals honestly need to start using their fucking brains and start thinking of what their actions are doing to people that are part of the Alphabet Soup Community! Honestly, if i had a penny for every time that i heard the word "faggot" or the word "homo" used by heteros i would be a billionaire. The reasons why they [heteros] use the words that have such a negative connotation about them is because they know that they are hurtful, they know that they can get away with it, and they know that no one person in the queer community is going to stand alone against them. This is because they know that we, the queer community, are a minority compared to them, but if we stand up and fight together as a whole we can create major change!

This has got to stop! I am sick and tired of hearing about hate crimes happening in Isla Vista. The Queer Community needs to take a stand and rise against this oppression that we have lived with for so long. We need to fight for our rights and earn them justly so we get the benefits, the safety, the protection, and the peace of mind that the heterosexuals have!

I am personally very pissed off about these findings! I have had a bad experience in IV as well and these hate crimes, that the heteros commit, are going to stop! We need to stand together in this community, the place where most of us call home [Santa Barbara County] most see an end to this violence and hatred that is coming out of one small little section of the whole county!

IV is just a small part of the whole community and can hopefully have the views of Queer People changed for the better and away from the worse! I mean because seriously we are all just people in this world that are meant to live our lives how we want free of judgement from other people.

Honestly lets face it, THERE IS NO GOD! I mean if there was a GOD and he was creating us in his image, then there would be no queer people, and everyone would be perfect non-sinning people. Also if there was a GOD do you honestly think he would let the Queer Community be hated on so much? I mean because HE is supposed to be ALL GOOD, ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL, and ALL PRESENT! HE doesn't exist people, and there is no way that you can prove HE does. The BIBLE is just an allegory that is supposed to teach us right from wrong. The only reason why the BIBLE is still preached to us today is because, HUMAN BEINGS need something to ignorantly follow, something that can provide all of the answers but never has any knowledge about whether the answers are true or justified, they just blindly follow something that is bringing them false hope, when the reality is that they are just being used by the churches and temples to keep the religion going, so the priest, rabbi, etc don't have to go looking for more followers they can just have the family born into the religion and that's how has been kept alive for so many generations.

But, enough about religion and my out take on it. These hate crimes seriously need to stop so I am going to invite all that read this to join the Queer Community, even if you don't identify as any part of the alphabet soup, in a MARCH TO SPREAD THE LOVE THROUGH ISLA VISTA!

You can find out more info on this march at:

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