Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm Making Changes!!!


Why? Why does this have to be there? After so many years of fighting to get the ban on gay marriage removed people have to try and come up with another way to stop the queer community from marrying and having the same benefits as heterosexuals!

Why though? Are we so different from each other?
My answer is no we aren't! We all just want to live our lives peacefully and marry the people that we choose! whether that be a man marrying a woman, a man marrying a man, or a woman marrying a woman, there is no difference between any of these three things. LOVE still exist between a man and a man or a woman and a woman just like it does between a man and a woman.

So then why is it so hard for heterosexuals to understand that HOMOSEXUALS are just like they are? Honestly, the only differences between heteros and homos are the sexual attractions, that's it nothing else.

So then why is there so much hatred between the 2 groups? I believe that it is because if heteros accept that there is no difference an they realize that we are all equal, that there will be more homos that will come out and the heteros fear that they will be over ran by the homos!

This is not true, queers are a great minority, but if it is accepted, then it will make it a lot easier for people to come out to their parents and not have to worry about being hated on by classmates and other peers as well. Honestly, people that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, pansexual, asexual, or of any other part of the alphabet soup, need as much support as they can get from their peers and other groups, such as; family, teachers, friends, loved ones, etc.

This hatred towards the alphabet soup community has gone on for much too long and I am here to make a difference and make some changes! I am going to make new changes in the ways that the alphabet soup community is viewed, so as not to be viewed in a negative way anymore, but instead to make it more acceptable to be who you are, and not have to live in fear of being shot or beat up in school because you are proud to be who you are!

This is the start of a new leaf in my life, as well as, the community that I am part of. There is going to be great change in my life, there are also going to be great struggles as well. I am going to make these changes with the help and support of my friends and family!

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