Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Vote NO on Prop 8

“Proposition 8… would eliminate the fundamental right to same-sex marriage. The very act of denying gay and lesbian couples the right to marry – traditionally the highest legal and societal recognition of a loving commitment – by definition relegates them and their relationship to second class status.” Los Angeles Times Editorial, August 8, 2008

If you think about it, this quote is very true! If Prop 8 passes then all the gays and lesbians that want to be married will have to settle for the second class status of a domestic partnership!

This is something to ponder, for all of the heterosexuals in the state of California, What if one of your kids turns out to be gay or lesbian? Then what? If you have voted yes on prop 8 and it passed you just screwed your kids life over, because now they will never get the same benefits that straight couples have preodained to them. Your gay or lesbian child will be treated like a lower class citizen and will never be able to follow their dreams of one day getting married to the person that they love!

I know that this is a big issue for most religious groups as well, because they don't believe that gays and lesbians were put here by God, but that's not true we were put here the same way you were and we were created by the same person that you were as well. If there is a God up there somewhere He would want the heterosexuals and the homosexuals to have all of the same rights and not be devided among each other but to live together in peace and harmony!

I know that all of the heteros in this state have at least one gay/lesbian friend if not more. Knowing that are you going to want to vote yes on something that might hurt one of your friends very badly in the future? If so, you don't have a heart!

Something else to be aware of, all of the ads that say Vote Yes on Prop 8, are all just a bunch of conservative propoganda that has been made by people that could care less about hurting others and would do anything to ban something that is good! The people that made these ads have lied and slanderized their own campaign! They made up all of these rediculous claims like: Protecting marriage!

"It restores the definition of marriage to what the vast majority of California voters already approved and what Californians agree should be supported, not undermined."

This is a quote from the yes on 8 website, it simply states that voting yes on 8 will give a definition to the word MARRIAGE. This word should not be defined as between a man and a woman, but it should be defined as between two people that love each other.

The first definition of the word marriage comes from the religious stand point not from the civil view. What ever happened to the seperation of Church & State? This is a good example of how nobody pays attention to their basic rights! The seperation of Church & State means the in no way, shape, or form can any religion be part of the gonvernment system of the state! Where does this definition come from? Oh, that's right it comes from the churches of California!

The second definition of the word marriage is the civil definition. This just means that this definition is the humane way to describe what a marriage should consist of! People are ignorant to the fact that proposition 8 will do nothing but hurt California if it is passed. This is because if this proposition is passed then the state will be segregated into two groups, the Heterosexuals and the Homosexuals and there will be no agreement ever again in what's right for the state.

Honestly, if you believe that voting Yes on prop 8 is protecting families, think again. Once again I bring up the issue that; What if one of your kids is gay or lesbian? Because lets face it people no matter how hard you try to change a gay/lesbian kid it will never work! This is because being gay/lesbian is not a disease, it is not something that is cureable by therapy, and it is NOT JUST A PHASE! Being GAY or LESBIAN is something that you are born with and it is not a choice, just like being STRAIGHT! Gays and Lesbians are no different from anyone else and it is just FUCKED up that straight couples get all of these rights but gay couples get screwed over!

This is all I am asking of anyone that reads this, please go out and vote NO on prop 8. It is for the good of the people and to protect families, from being segregated among themselves.